Users must have specific permissions to access the GoFan Box Office application. This access is granted from PlayOn HQ, not the Box Office App. If you'd like to give a new user access to Box Office, scroll to the bottom of this article for instructions.
*Note that only the Main and Financial contacts can create and edit Contacts
Once a user has been granted Box Office access, they can log in to the Box Office App.
Follow these instructions to log in to Box Office:
- Download the Box Office app to your device in the Apple App Store by searching GoFan Box Office For Schools.
*You can skip this step if you purchased your device from GoFan, as the app will already be installed.
Enter your email address in the Email field (this must be the same email used for your PlayOn HQ account)
If this is your first time logging in and you do not yet have a password, the system will prompt you to create one. A validation Email will be sent as part of this process, so be sure you have access to your Email.
Open the GoFan Box Office application on the device to log in and start selling tickets.
Here are the steps for allowing a user access to Box Office:
Log in to PlayOn HQ and Navigate to the Accounts tab. Under the Contacts selection, select Add Contact and enter the contact information details.
In the Credentials section, select the checkbox for Can log in to the school's Box Office account. Next, click the Save button to confirm the change.
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