How to Create and Manage Contacts in HQ

  • Updated

Your contacts are the staff or coaches at your school who need access to your PlayOn HQ account or information to access event settings, receive reports, or use Box Office. You may want a contact to have access to add events but not see weekly payment statements. You can also designate a particular sport or event to which the contact will have access, as you might not want your dance coordinator to have access to your sports account.

How to Create a Contact

From your PlayOn HQ Dashboard, click Accounts from the left-hand menu.

PlayOn HQ Accounts

On the Account tab, click Add contact + in the Contacts panel.

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On the Create Contact page, you can input the following details.

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Contact Information:

  • Email address
  • First name and last name
  • Phone number
  • Title
  • GoFan role (Coach, Financial contact, or Other)

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If you selected Coach for their GoFan role, under Contact Roles, select:

  • Staff role (Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Trainer)
  • Sport team
  • Click Add another role and team + if they're part of another team

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See our article How to Create Teams and Rosters for more information about creating teams and roles.

Optionally, under Add Photo click Add file to upload a photo up to 500kb in size and in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format.

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Under Credentials, you can determine which permissions this contact has.

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General permissions:

  • Can add, edit events and Teams
  • Can log in to school's Box Office account

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Reporting permissions:

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Event Reports:

  • Can receive GoFan Event Summary Report
  • Do not receive GoFan Event Summary Report

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Click Create Contact when you're finished.

If the user does not have a password yet (i.e., they did not have an account previously) or if they're a new contact, they will get an automated email with a link for setting up a password, or you can have them set it themselves at GoFan Sign Up.

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How to Manage Contacts

If you need to delete or edit a contact, click Accounts from your PlayOn HQ Dashboard.

PlayOn HQ Accounts

On the Account tab, in the Contacts panel, click View contacts.

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All of your contacts will be listed. 

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Use the search bar to search by email address or use the filter menu to search by role and/or whether they have set their password yet or not. 

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Click Edit in the contact card to manage their details or delete.

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You can edit all of their contact details and permissions but you will not be able to edit their email address. 

To delete this contact, click Delete at the bottom-right of the page. From the pop-up confirmation page, click Delete to affirm that your contact will lose any permissions and access and you will permanently remove the contact.

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