If you are an authorized school personnel, you can submit a request to have a purchase refunded, which will be processed by the PlayOn/GoFan Support team.
If you need to refund all of your attendees, see our article How to Reschedule, Cancel, or Delete an Event.
From your PlayOn HQ Dashboard, select the three-dot icon to the right of the event for which you'd like to submit a refund. Then, click Manage Attendees.
Once you identify the purchase you wish to have refunded, select the three-dot icon on the far right and click Request Refund from the dropdown menu.
Describe the reason for the refund, provide your contact phone number so GoFan can reach you, and be sure to select the tickets you are refunding for this purchaser. Then, click Submit.
The PlayOn HQ Support team will evaluate and and send a confirmation once the refund is processed.