Schools can now create season renewal campaigns in PlayOn HQ!
This allows your school to send emails reminding your fans to renew and purchase season tickets, making promoting your events even easier.
Here is a brief overview of how season renewal campaigns work
1) Start by clicking the Season tab and selecting the menu option next to the season you want to start a campaign for.
2) Select Reserved Seating to view the reserved seating options for your season.
This option will only be available if your season has a reserved seating venue attached to it.
3) Select the Renewals tab to view, create, or edit existing campaigns.
3.1) To create a new campaign, select Create a renewal campaign.
4) To upload seats for your campaign, you will need to download the campaign template by selecting Download the template.
5) Fill out the template according to who you would like to reserve seats for. This template can be used to upload specific seats for specific fans for a specific ticket type.
5.1) A row will have to be filled out for each seat, even if multiple seats are being reserved for the same person.
6) After you have filled out the required fields and saved your file, go back to GoFan HQ and click on the Upload my file button to go through the upload workflow and make any adjustments where needed.
7) Next, use Date of renewals to set the start date and end date of your renewal campaign.
8) Use the Season email text box to customize what your fans will see in the campaign email.
9) Set Email reminders so that your fans don't forget to renew their seats for the season.
10) After all the required fields have been entered, click on Publish to save any changes that you have entered.
NOTE: Once your campaign has been published, the renewal emails will automatically be sent to the recipients entered on your upload.
There are also a few options that are available to you to edit an existing campaign once it has been published.
- Download Campaign will allow you to view your selected campaign information via an Excel spreadsheet for your records.
- Renewal Status will let you know whether a fan has responded to the campaign email. The status will show No response, Declined, or Renewed.
- Edit campaign will allow you to change the Renewal
- Edit renewal offer lets you change the name of the recipient and remove seats from the campaign offer.
- Delete renewal offer will invalidate the campaign that has been created. If the recipient tries to renew their seats they will receive an error that the renewal has expired or no longer exists. Please note, if a campaign is deleted you will not be able to reverse this.
11) You have now successfully created and edited your season renewal campaign for reserved seating.
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